208 - East Bound Clowns

208 - East Bound Clowns
Lane Law

Y'all can Halloween however you like but Tristan and Lane goes to East Texas, Youth-Only Whitetail Opener on Gus Engeling WMA, for their first TPWD Public Land hunt of the year.

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Gus Engeling WMA

Viking Strong



110 - The #HuntCivilLiveWild Conservation Initiative

110 - The #HuntCivilLiveWild Initiative
Lane Law

Some fellas do Fantasy Football. Or Baseball. Or Fantasy Curling, hopefully. On this week's podcast, you can listen to Lane and Tristan go Full Tilt Nerd pitching ideas for a Fantasy Wildlife Conservation Project! You can also find us on iTunes.

Conifer Removal Restores Sage Grouse Habitat

Control Techniques for Feral Hogs

The Race to Save the Pronghorn of Far West Texas

TPWD Pronghorn Conservation Efforts

Laura Bush announces Texas monarch butterfly conservation plan