3.23 - Spring Break 2018 Bowfishing with GarQuest

Marian and Marty.jpg

Spring Break. Gar Spawn. Bowfishing. It's getting to be an annual tradition and this is rhis year's trip.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #bowfishing #gar #carp #springbreak

3.07 - Gar: A Knight in Slimy Armor


Josey has some questions about bowfishing. Then we get into talking about whale sharks, because they're cool, and finally we go deep and nerdy on the subject of our favorite bowfishing target species Gar, the local swimming dinosaur.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #education #bowfishing #gar #alligatorgar #longnosegar #needlenosegar #spottedgar

124 - Bowfishing with GarQuest

In Wilderness Law Podcast's Season Finale for the 2015-16 Season, Lane and Tristan have a conversation with Marty McIntyre from GarQuest Bowfishing and get into the culinary value of gar, the politics of zebra mussles, and the far-reaching ins and outs of bowfishing.

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GarQuest Bowfishing

GarQuest Bowfishing Facebook Page

Texas Bowfishing Association

Bowfishing Association of America
