122 - Plan your Business and Business your Plan
121 - The 2nd Amendment
120 - Free Grazers, Entomophagy, and Strawberry Ice Cream
This one was recorded a couple months ago during the aftermath of the Oregon Stand-Off. We were still figuring out the new microphones at the time so it's a little rough but we cover some interesting ground regarding public land utilization.
There's also a bit of sadness at the end of this one, which is part of why we've taken our time posting it. So here's a Lane and Tristan talking about public lands, eating crickets, and remembering a good man.
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Chapul: Original Cricket Flour Protein Bar
118 - Lake Isabel, CO
Comin' at ya from our fishing trip to Lake Isabel, Colorado, with an update on our activities. Josey wanted to take a nap so the kiddo's Momma joins us this time around.
117 - Plan Your Fishin' and Fish Your Plannin'
All the kids are back and help plan our fishing trip to Colorado.
116 - Matthew Whittington with The Libertarian Party
Lane, Tristan, and Marian speak with Matthew Whittington, County Chair of the Libertarian Party of Williamson County in Texas, about freedom, Third Parties, and what it really means to make your vote count!
You can find the Wilderness Law Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher too.
Mark Miller for Texas Railroad Commissioner
Henry Knetsar for State Representative District 52 (email)
Libertarian Candidates in Texas
The Williamson County Libertarian Party
McLennan County Libertarian Party
115 - Tristan's Rookie Year
114 - Summer Vacation!
We got all the kiddos on the podcast today to talk about their plans for Summer Vacation!
112 - Marian's First Podcast
Today we have a new addition to the Wilderness Law Podcast Crew. Tristan's 6-year-old sister, Marian, debuts and shares some of her ideas on future hunting plans.
Also check us out on iTunes and Stitcher!
"Hunting Sharks with a Bow and Arrow" - Narrated by Ronald Reagan
Tristan's Reading Fair project:
111 - Bison
Today we talk about Bison. I'm glad we're not talking about them in the past tense.
Not so great New York Times Article
Bison Hunt Orientation - Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
15 Facts About Our National Mammal: The American Bison
Yellowstone Bison Calf Taken by Idiot Tourists Ends Up Needing to be Put Down
110 - The #HuntCivilLiveWild Conservation Initiative
Some fellas do Fantasy Football. Or Baseball. Or Fantasy Curling, hopefully. On this week's podcast, you can listen to Lane and Tristan go Full Tilt Nerd pitching ideas for a Fantasy Wildlife Conservation Project! You can also find us on iTunes.
Conifer Removal Restores Sage Grouse Habitat
Control Techniques for Feral Hogs
The Race to Save the Pronghorn of Far West Texas
TPWD Pronghorn Conservation Efforts
Laura Bush announces Texas monarch butterfly conservation plan
109 - Tristan's Vote for President
Lane and Tristan talk about the 2016 Presidential Primary. This was recorded about a month ago so a lot of the candidate information is out of date but hopefully still fun and/or interesting to listen to.
108 - The Kill
Lane and Tristan talk about the psychological and emotional experience of taking an animal's life.
107 - Tristan's Conservation Questions
104 "The Revenant"
Lane and Tristan compare "Man in the Wilderness" (1972) and "The Revenant" (2015), two attempts to adapt mountain man Hugh Glass's story for cinema.
Rent or Buy "Man in the Wilderness"
Watch "Guy on a Buffalo"
"The Revenant" trailer