3.27 - MORE Fantasy Conservation Project Update talk!

3.27 - MORE Fantasy Conservation Project Update talk!
Lane Law

In this week's episode we continue our Conservation Conversation from last week.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #conservation #TexasParksandWildlife #Pronghorn #CWD #ChronicWastingDisease #WildTurkey #Caribou #WestTexas #Texas #PublicLands #sagegrouse #sage #habitat #savethehabitatsavethehunt

3.26 - Fantasy Conservation Project Update 2018

3.26 - Fantasy Conservation Project Update 2018
Lane Law
West TX.jpg

In this week's episode we pitch and discuss ideas for addendums to the Wilderness Law Fantasy Conservation Project we've spoken about in previous seasons of the podcast.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #conservation #TexasParksandWildlife #Pronghorn #CWD #ChronicWastingDisease #WildTurkey #Caribou #WestTexas #Texas #PublicLands #sagegrouse #sage #habitat #savethehabitatsavethehunt

3.25 - Gameshow - Bass Fishing

3.25 - Gameshow - Bass Fishing
Lane Law

Josey's been wanting to do another #Gameshow episode so this week the kids compete using their limited knowledge of #BassFishing !

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping 

3.24 - Planning Our 2018 Elk Hunt Step 3 - Game Management Unit

3.24 - Planning Our 2018 Elk Hunt Step 3 - Game Management Unit
Lane Law

We continue down the path of planning our Western Style Elk Hunt for this year by comparing Game Management Units in Colorado.

Other subjects discussed include: #AsianCarp #CattleDrives

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #elk #elkhunting #Colorado #GMU #GameManagementUnit

3.23 - Spring Break 2018 Bowfishing with GarQuest

3.23 - Spring Break 2018 Bowfishing with GarQuest
Lane Law
Marian and Marty.jpg

Spring Break. Gar Spawn. Bowfishing. It's getting to be an annual tradition and this is rhis year's trip.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #bowfishing #gar #carp #springbreak

3.22 - Planning Our 2018 Western Hunt Step 2 - Pick a State

3.22 - Planning Our 2018 Western Hunt Step 2 - Pick a State
Lane Law

In Part 2 of our series of podcasts explororing the process of putting in for Elk Tags the kids present facts on state options and we vote on which state in which to apply for a tag in the 2018 season.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #elk #elkhunting #Colorado #NewMexico #Neveada #Montana #Wyoming

3.21 - Texas Brigades Essay No.1 Part 1

3.21 - Texas Brigades Essay No.1 Part 1
Lane Law

On this week's podcast Lane and Tristan work on an essay Tristan needs to write as part of his application to the Texas Brigades summer outdoors and conservation workshops.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #TexasBrigades

3.20 - Planning Our 2018 Western Hunt Step 1 - Ballparking the States

3.20 - Planning Our 2018 Western Hunt Step 1 - Ballparking the States
Lane Law

This episode is Part 1 of a multi-podcast subject. We're working on planning a Western Archery Elk hunt for the 2018 season and right now we have to figure out which state we'll focus on. In this podcast we figure out a range of states we'll be researching in order to narrow it down to one in the next part.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #elk #elkhunting #RMEF

3.19 - US Forest Service Survey

3.19 - US Forest Service Survey
Lane Law

After a hunt on U.S. Forest Service land in Texas, Texas Parks and Wildlife sends you a post-season survey in order to get "boots on the ground" feedback. On this week's podcast we go through the survey and fill out our response.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #whitetail #deer #antlerless #SamHouston #NationalForest

3.18 - Laguna Atacosa - The Value of Focus

3.18 - Laguna Atacosa - The Value of Focus
Lane Law

On the way back from South Texas, Lane and Tristan discuss le ssons learned during the #Texas #PublicLand deer and nilgai hunt.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #whitetail #deer #nilgai

3.17 - Laguna Atacosa Part 1 - Chasing Nilgai

3.17 - Laguna Atacosa Part 1 - Chasing Nilgai
Lane Law

This week's episode is from Tristan's and Lane's South Texas #PublicLand hunt in South Texas. This is Part 1 of 2 because there was a lot to be had in this podcast.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #whitetail #deer #nilgai

3.16 - Zack Parks, Libertarian Candidate for Texas House of Representatives

3.16 - Zack Parks, Libertarian Candidate for Texas House of Representatives
Lane Law
Zach Parks.jpg

We start out 2018 with an interview podcast. This week we speak to Zach Parks with the Libertarian Party about his campaign to represent Texas House District 136.

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

Libertarian Party

Adam Kokesh on Twitter

Austin Petersen

Kathie Glass

Kory Watkins

Governor Gary Johnson on Twitter

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #AdamKokesh #AustinPetersen #KoryWatkins #KathieGlass #Libertarian #LibertarianParty #GaryJohnson #Texas

3.15 - Christmas Wish List 2017

3.15 - Christmas Wish List 2017
Lane Law

The kiddos tell us the outdoors related items they want to ask Santa for this year!

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This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#hunting #fishing #outdoors #camping #MerryChristmas #Christmas #faintinggoats

3.14 - Marian Goes East

3.14 - Marian Goes East
Lane Law

This is our first "Truckisode" of season 3. Marian gets to go with Tristan and Lane on her first whitetail trip. This isn't a full on hunt just a day scout but still lots to be learned. We do have to apologize for some audio quality issues due to Marian being further from the microphone. We're working on figuring out a different setup for next time she goes with us.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #podcast #SamHoustonNationalForest #whitetail #deer #silviculture

3.13 - #TeamJosey

3.13 - #TeamJosey
Lane Law
Jojo Cowgirl 2.jpg

3.13 - #TeamJosey

Josey gets to stretch her creative muscles byt attempting to answer hunting questions from her siblings with whatever comes into her head.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #podcast

3.12 - Pitching and Thanksgiving

3.12 - Pitching and Thanksgiving
Lane Law

We take it a little easy this week on our #Thanksgiving episode and the kids just throw out ideas for future episodes.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #Thanksgiving #pitchingideas #podcast

3.11 - Deer Blinds FYI

3.11 - Deer Blinds FYI
Lane Law

Marian tells us about her tryout for the 2nd Grade #UIL #CreativeWriting team. Then we go over the basics of #deer hunting blinds.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #education #bowhunting #deer #deerhunting #whitetail

3.10 - Test Driving onX Hunt Maps' new RMEF Layer

3.10 - Test Driving onX Hunt Maps' new RMEF Layer
Lane Law

Marian tells us about her tryout for the 2nd Grade #UIL #Storytelling team. Also, in this week's episode, onX Hunt Maps teamed up with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to create new map layers built specifically to help elk hunters get into more animals and we get to play around with it and mix in a few geography and history lessons.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #education #bowhunting #elk #elkhunting #onXmaps #huntmaps #RMEF #RockyMountainElkFoundation

3.09 - Gameshow: Whitetail Deer #1

3.09 - Gameshow- Whitetail Deer #1
Lane Law

3.09 - Gameshow: Whitetail Deer #1

On today's episode Tristan, Marian, and Josey compete against each other in a Whitetail Trivia Deathmatch to find out who knows more random facts about deer!

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #education #bowhunting #whitetail #deer #deerhunting #gameshow #trivia #moab240 #CourtneyDauwalter

Quiz: The Deer Challenge

MOAB 240 Endurance Race

Courtney Dauwalter


3.08 - Chronic Wasting Disease

3.08 - Chronic Wasting Disease
Lane Law

On this week's podcast we talk about one of the scarier threats to our North American deer population, a disease commonly called Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Other topics discussed include Outdoors Writing, Tristan's Birthday, and pronghorn.

Please subscribe and give us feedback on Stitcher and/or iTunes!

This episode brought to you by Viking Strong and The Market at Indian Mound Ranch!

SAWCorp CWD Testing Kit

#Texas #hunting #fishing #outdoors #parenting #education #deer #elk #cwd #chronicwastingdisease