This is my hunting blog.
There are many like it but this one is mine.
And, y’know, stuff...
We're all about hunting at my house. My Step Dad loved it. I love it. My boy loves it.
And his sisters will love it.
Or else...
What this is for.
My name is Lane Law. I have three kids. And here's the Number 1 lesson I've learned from being a parent. Kids like to eat like EVERY day! One of these days they'll have to be responsible for figuring out on their own how to facilitate sustenance acquisition. Yeah they'll learn to cook. But the fun part is learning how to get the groceries. Preferably with a pointy stick flying through the air at over 300 feet per second.
In the interest of passing along my family's hunting tradition I plan to teach them young-uns as much as possible while they'll listen. I've learned a lot from the previous generation and hope to continue to do so but still there are several areas in which I find myself lacking in knowledge.
Luckily I ran across guys like Steven Rinella, Remi Warren, Randy Newberg and the folks who run and Their articles have given me new ideas to consider and helped shape me as a participant in the natural world.
I'm a fairly opinionated individual in general so I already had some thoughts for articles. Ideas I’d like to explore. Questions I’d like to ask of myself, or the experts, or the hunting community at large. Concepts I believe will be of interest to most hunters and conservationists.
The only thing safe is the fish.
There came a point where passively consuming knowledge wasn't enough and the only logical conclusion is that a blog is the most accessible avenue for putting my ideas out into the world.
As this concept developed, I realized it could be quite a bit more than just a sounding board for writing skills. I’ve gathered some ability in video and audio editing over the years. So, naturally, we could implement those into this endeavor and be able to offer Wilderness Law visitors regular Podcast and YouTube content as well.
In the end, hopefully, we’re able to build something more than an ego amplifier, not unlike the afore-mentioned writers. The intention is for Wilderness Law to be a social exercise for the modern conservationist/hunter/outdoorsman which mixes new information with civil discussion and boils them down to the type of wisdom an intelligent and sensible community has the unique ability to produce.
Why read us.
It’s always fun watching a bonehead like me fumble around in a lifelong comedy of errors so, at the very least, anybody who cares to click around this site will be able to take away a few laughs.
The Boy humps it into the strange new land of East Texas.
Being from rural Texas, we’re all, appropriately enough, Texas-style* hunters. We tend to sit in blinds watching corn feeders. I’m sure I’ll have tons of folks tell me how wrong that is – and I’m prepared to engage anyone that wishes to have that discussion – but one of the primary goals of this enterprise is to learn about other models of hunting. I’m especially interested in learning as much as possible about big Western Style hunting methodology but I’m ready to delve into any and all.
My hopes are that: we‘ll grow as writers and editors, the kids will develop their skillset as communicators and participants in life, and we all improve as outdoorsmen, learners and teachers.
And we hope y’all come along on this ride with us and we can all learn from each other!
The Plan.
Our aim is to put out an article post every other Monday, starting December 7th, and to deliver a Podcast and/or YouTube video on the alternate Mondays.
There will be some product reviews and good ol’ huntin’ stories (some of them might even be kinda sorta some version of the truth) and the odd editorial now and then where I expect we’ll ruffle some feathers and maybe be lucky enough to start some discussions. We’ll have forums on this site but of course comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are welcome as well.
Initially it will be myself writing the blogs but as The Boy gets older I expect he will want to knock some of those out as well. I know he has some very – um – “interesting”… points of view on certain subjects – so that should be entertaining for us all.
Some of the Podcasts and Videos will just be me and The Boy goofing around in the woods but we have several planned where we will interview experts in various fields and get everyone involved in discussions on hunting ethics, conservation, hunting tackle and all that good stuff.
Check back with us on Monday December 7th for our first legit blog article!
Hook Em, Y’all!
*Texas-Style Hunting – No matter how many big ranchers try to say otherwise, High-Fenced livestock shooting should never be considered hunting. And I'm particularly annoyed that folks in other states feel justified in referring to it as "Texas-Style".